Hi, I’m Pär Lannerö.
Since 1993 I have tried to make the web a better place. Or more sustainable, if you like that term.
The whole web, that is. Not often one particular website. Such as this one. The Swedish proverb “Skomakarens barn går i trasiga skor” (“Cobblers’ children are worst shod”) describes the situation quite well. Customer assigments tend to leave little time for my own website.
So this personal blog contains mostly old content, primarily in Swedish but also a few posts in English. I intend to resume blogging. Someday. Until then, here are pointers to some of my work:
- Co-founder of Metamatrix AB, a Stockholm based web agency and my employer since 1999. Helping organizations primarily with digital accessibility as a senior consultant.
- National expert for Sweden in AccessibleEU – a resource center for accessibility initiated by the EU Commission 2023.
- Representing the Swedish Consumers’ Association in EU accessibility standardization (via SIS Tk 504) working with EN301549, for example.
- Frequently teaching digital accessibility. Since 2019 with Webbdagarna Academy and often in other contexts as well. Both general introductions and specialised courses for specific audiences.
- Conference speaker and meetup coordinator. For example, I am part of the organizing committee of T12T (a11y) community and often leading the W3C Nordic Accessibility community networking group.
- Project manager (2014-2018) for the Swedish government’s official guidelines for web development (webbriktlinjer.se).
- Founder CommonTerms.org – a project aiming to end the “biggest lie on the internet“.
- Founder Dejavu.org – an award winning online museum of web history.
For more details, please follow links to my LinkedIn, Facebook, X, Mastodon and other online identities.
Please contact me via e-mail: par followed by lannero.com